
时间:2022-11-05 05:47:27 教案





【教学内容】 Let’s start A Let’s learn Group work 【教学目标】(1)知识目标

  1.能够听,说,读,写本课时singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress, artist.单


:2.能够认读句子“What does your father do ? He is a ?” “What are you going to be? I am going to be a ?”

  3.能够了解“Good to know”中的内容.(2)能力目标

  1.能够理解白体句子“What does your father do ? He is a ?”,并能进行简单替换“What does your father / mother do ? He /She is a ?”。

  2.在现实生活中灵活运用并力求做到语调自然,语音准确.3.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My family”。(3)情感、策略、文化目标


  1.本课时重点掌握四会单词singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress, artist.以及就职业进行简单的问答、介绍,表达自己的理想.2.本课时的难点是不定冠词an和a 的不同使用方法及发音.温馨提示:教师可以参考四年级上册U6中Part B部分内容。【教学准备】

  1.准备与本课时相关的六张单词卡片与图片和四年级上册第六单元Unit B部分的单词卡片与图片.2.准备与本课时相关的录音带和四年级上册第六单元Unit 6 P73Let’s do的录音材料。.3.课件准备部分名人照片与自己爸爸(模仿作家)的一张照片.【教学过程】 Step 1: Preparation 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,做简单的Free Talk。What’s your father/mother? How does your father/mother go to work? What’s your uncle/aunt? How does he/she go to work? ’s chant 教师播放四上U6 P73 Let’s chant和学生一起拍手说唱.内容如下: Act like a like a like a like a like a like a baseball player 3..教师运用图片带领学生复习doctor, teacher, nurse, farmer, driver, baseball 2: Presentation(单词导呈)1.writer 教师接着运用课件出示自己爸爸俯案写作的照片,T: I’m a , this is my father。What does my father do? 引导学生说出“作家”开始教读单词:writer.板书(write—writer—a writer)

  T: My father is a your father a writer? 引出句子What does your father do?(板书教读)根据学生回答把答语写上。He’s a ?(适当进行替换练习:What does he do?让学生明确人称代词的替换练习)T:进行一点拓展What does your mother do? She’s a ?练习。 出示一张宋祖英的照片,问“Who is she ?”“What does she do ? ”“ She is a often sings songs.”来教读单词singer(板书sing--singer—a singer)

reporter 出示何炅图片问“Who is she? What does she do?”引出TV reporter.进行教读。(板书 TV report—TV reporter--a TV reporter) 出示赵本山的照片问“Who is he? What does he do?”引出单词actor进行教读。(板书act—actor –an actor)强调an actor连读的发音。

出示宋丹丹的照片问“Who is she? What does she do?”引出单词actress进行教读。(板书act—actress—an actress)强调发音。


  词5.运用同样的方法学习artist.(板书art—artist—an artist)强调发音。

  运用板书向学生渗透a与 an的不同用法。引导学生自己观察并进行总结,教师进行总结。



  1.教师简单讲解:一人指图一人读单词,学生两人一组进行单词认读练习。2.Let’s start 教师给学生呈现Let’s start部分的教学挂图,适当进行点播让学生以小组为单位互相讨论完成书中的填空。并对学生进行讲解,让学生掌握动词转化为名词的一些规则。

  3.教师检查学生掌握情况。Step 3: Practice 1.教师和学生一起进行活动“快看快说”。

  教师进行简单的示范,找一名学生帮助。然后快速出示一张职业图片,该学生根据卡片上的内容快速说出一个句子.如:She is an actress.学生明确如何操作以后找一名学生出示卡片其他学生进行说句子练习。


  教师出示一张卡通图片(男生、女生),反面写有职业单词。然后问学生:“What does she/he do?”学生根据所学职业单词进行猜测并回答She/He is a/an?

’s chant 教师播放P56 Let’s chant把单词放到句子中巩固学生认读。Step4: Production Group work 教师利用板书:I’m a teacher, but I’m going to be an artist, are you going to be?学生可以自由进行回答练习。

  让学生依次戴上Amy, Chen Jie等人物的头饰,并介绍说:“I am am going to be an am am going to be a /an?”然后引导学生回答:“Amy is going to be a/an ?”让学生了解人称代词的变化。

  Step5: Progress 1.词图连线。




  Unit 4I have a pen pal

(Period 1)

  一 Teaching aims:To listen, say and recognize “What’s your hobby?” “I like collecting stamps.”To master the following phrases: riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, collecting stamps, making kites.二 Teaching emphasis: the “ing” form of “ ride, dive, play, collect, make.”

  三 Teaching difficulties: ride-riding, dive-diving, make-making.四 Teaching aids: and tape leaves, an album, two pictures of kites.五 Teaching process:

  Step 1 Warm up

  Sing the song of “I love going hiking.”

  Step 2 Preview

  Let’s play a game of rolling a : I like : I like apples and : I like apples, bananas and : I like ….T: I like : I like English and : I like English, Chinese and : I like ….T: I like : I like swimming and : I like swimming, painting and : I like ….Step 3 Presentation

and ask a student while : I like playing the ’s your hobby?

  S1: I like playing the “hobby and playing the violin” on the for the students, then repeat the question with several different out a stamp from the album, then two and ask “What’s this?” or “ What are they?” Get them to answer the “collecting stamps” on the blackboard and : I like collecting you like collecting stamps?Ss: Yes, I do./ No, I don’(Pretend to ride a bike)

  T: What am I doing?

  S: You’re riding a : Yes, I’m riding a ride a bike to work like riding a “riding a bike” on the blackboard and out a kite, then “What’s this?” and “ What are they?” Get them to : What am I doing?

  S: You’re flying a : Yes, I’m flying a I like flying like making kites, “making kites” on the blackboard and .Show the picture of : What is he doing?

  S: He is the same thing as 4 PracticeChant is your hobby? What is your hobby? Playing, playing, I like playing the , collecting, I like collecting , riding, I like riding a , making, I like making , diving, I like the tape for the Ss to listen and ask and answer in a guessing out one card from the word cards, take this one as their own hobby, then make their partner one to : What’s my hobby?

  S2: You like : : You like making : Yes, you’re them to do like this in in four two group leaders to interview their member’s can do like following: Take a piece of paper, write down the five hobbies on it, ask “ What’s your hobby?” and tick below the right they finish the interview, make a report: Four children like diving, three children like playing the violin, ….If time is up, this activity can be done after 5 Make a conclusion and give assignments

  During this period, we learned five verb phrases and the ing form of them, you should pay more attention to diving, riding and talked about one’s hobby by using “What’s your hobby? I like diving.” Copy the five phrases and the sentence patterns in your exercise 6 Bb design

  Playing the violincollecting stampsWhat’s your hobby?riding a bikemaking kites




【教材分析】: 本单元是一个阅读单元。重点学习水循环以及植物种植过程的表达,设计的内容比较抽象,教师要引导学生结合生活经验理解掌握。本单元的内容相对比较复杂,特别是Let’s read 部分容量大、难点多。教师要注重多种


【教学内容】 A let’s learn $ let’s find out 【教学目标】

  1.能够听、说、读、写A Let’s learn 部分的黑体单词:stream, rain, cloud, sun, 听说认读白体单词:vapour 2.能够听、说、认读句子:Where does the rain come from? 并在现实生活中能够灵活运用,做到语音准确,语调自然。

  3.能够完成Let’s find out的任务。4.学唱歌曲《Little Water Drop》.5.了解水结成冰的相关知识。【教学重难点】

  1.熟练掌握重点单词:stream, rain, cloud, sun, vapour。教师要启发学生开动脑筋巧记单词,并结合句型替换关键词,在情景中学习新单词。

  2.能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型: Where does the rain come from?并在现实生活中能够灵活运用,做到语音准确,语调自然。


  1.与本课时相关的教学挂图。2.录音机和本单元的教学录音带。3 课件:各种水的声音 【教学过程】 Step 1:Pre-paration 1.上课伊始,教师通过教学媒体资源给学生呈现英语童谣《Little water drop》.让学生静静地欣赏、感受。

  2.教师走下讲台,到学生中间做Free : What’s the weather like today? S: ?

  T: Do you like rainy /sunny days? S: ?

  T: What do you do every day? S: ?

  T: Where does the water come from? Step2: Presentation: 1.教师对学生说:“We drink water every need water every else needs water? Where does the water come from?”

  2.教师简笔画“雨”,并对学生说:“We are going to talk about does it come from? Does it come from the sky? 教师帮助学生回答It comes from the cloud.”用简笔画出cloud的图,将单词板书并进行教授教读。

  3.教师用简笔画在原先的rain和cloud 下面画stream,自然而然的引出stream,板书并教读。并进行适当的拓展:听海,让学生听各种水的声音,猜猜是什么,复习sea, river,并比较stream, lake 和river的区别。4.教师用简笔画在stream 上面画sun ,教师夸张的描述太阳的火辣,引导学生想象溪水在太阳的照射下发热变成vapour。

  5.听录音,并跟读 Step3: Practice: 1.教师找生抽词卡,如抽到: cloud,下面学生就问:Cloud, cloud, Where does the cloud come from? 上面学生回答:“It comes from the stream,依此类推,如果是stop,就换人重新开始。

  2.教师把70页“Let’s find out”的教学挂图呈现给学生,让学生认真看图,教师问:“What can you see in the picture?”请一名学生示范回答:“I can see the stream.”然后学生五人一组找出图中的景物,用英文表述出来,在这个过程中教师可以给学生渗透保护环境,爱护地球家园的意识。

  Step 4: Production 1.教师把学生分成两组和大家一起拍手说唱自编儿歌。

  Cloud, cloud, where does the cloud come from? It comes from the , vapour, where does the cloud come from? It comes from the , stream, where does the stream come from?

  It comes from the rain, Rain, rain, where does the rain come from? It comes form the 教师给学生呈现Good to know 的教学挂图,先让学生认真看挂图,然后教师结合挂图给学生介绍水结成冰后体积变大的相关知识,鼓励学生通过实验的方法验证自己的想法。教师也可以启发学生思考水在自然界中的其他存在形式,Step 5:Homework 1.让学生熟练掌握本单元的重点单词和句型。




【教学内容】 Let’s try &let’s talk & Group work 【教学目标】

  1.能够听、说、读、写句子Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.并在现实生活中能够灵活运用,做到语音准确,语调自然。能替换运用于水循环的整个过程。

  2.能够完成Task Time 的内容。【教学重难点】

  1.熟练掌握Let’s try部分的单词,教师要启发学生开动脑筋巧记单词,并结合句型替换关键词,在情景中学习新单词。

  2.能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型: Where does the rain come from?It comes from the clouds.并在现实生活中能够灵活运用,做到语音准确,语调自然。要求学生能替换关键词造新句并能在水循环的整个过程自如运用。


  1.与本课时相关的教学挂图。2.录音机和本单元的教学录音。3.简单的课件 【教学过程】 Step 1:Pre-paration 1.教师通过教学媒体资源让学生跟唱英语童谣《Little Water Drop》.2.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,和学生做简单的Free 教师和学生一起拍手说唱第一课时所编的chant。Cloud, cloud, where does the cloud come from? It comes from the , vapour, where does the cloud come from? It comes from the , stream, where does the stream come from? It comes from the rain, Rain, rain, where does the rain come from? It comes form the : Presentation: 1.情景导入

  1). 课件呈现:牛肉与牛

  T: Which is the first ? Which is the second ? S: First the cow ,then the beef , T: So the beef comes from the cow.课件呈现:猪肉与猪(方法同上)教师板书:??comes from ?? 2).课件呈现:面包

  T: Does the bread come from the rice ? S: : Where does it come from ? 教师在??comes from ??上方板书示范 Where does the ??come from ? 课件呈现面粉

  T: It comes from the flour.课件呈现面包与面粉之间的先后关系,教师引导学生齐说: The bread comes from the : Where does the flour come from ? 教师播放Let’s try 部分的录音 Ss: The flour comes from the wheat.课件添加小麦的图片,显示面包、面粉、小麦之间的关系,并出现文字提纲帮助学生表达:

  Wheat---flour----bread 2.机械操练


  T: Look ,here is a game.(教师请一学生共同示范对话)课件呈现:milk T: Where does the milk come from ? S1: The milk comes from the 意义操练

  课件呈现:egg,cloud 等 二人小组操练并汇报。Step 3: Practice 1.听音答题 接上一环节,教师说: What about rain ?let’s listen and answer.播放let’s talk 内容


  3.引导学生读let’s talk部分对话。可以采取教读、齐读、男女生分角色、分小组等方式,大量的机械操练让学生掌握本课时的对话内容。

  Step 4: Production 1.拿出rain 的单词卡片,贴在黑板上,问学生:“Where does the rain come from?”引导学生回答“It comes from the clouds.”然后,教师将cloud 的单词卡片也贴在黑板上。用同样的方法,在问答的过程中将其他三张卡片依次贴在黑板上,组成一个水循环过程的简易图。教师出示“Group work”的教学挂图。同桌之间根据单词卡片的提示进行问答练习。

  2.教师出示“Group work”的挂图,让学生据图复述 Step 1.让学生熟练掌握本单元的重点单词和句型。




【教学内容】 let’s read 【教学目标】





  1.与本课时相关的教学挂图。2.录音机和本单元的教学录音带。【教学过程】 Step 1:Preparation 1.教师播放78页的英语童谣《Little Water Drop》,学生跟唱。 talk Step2: Pre-reading 1.教师讲述科学家牛顿的故事。通过动作和简笔画引入部分新单词 T: Today I’ll tell you a story of a great day ,he wakes up time does he wake up ? Can you guess ? S1: Maybe he wakes up at ?

  T: wakes up early and he feels a little hot ,so he comes out and sit down under an apple something is falling is falling down ? S2: Maybe the leaves are falling : Look!An apple is ? Ss: An apple is falling : is the man ?Do you know ? Ss: He is : Here is another story----the story of you know “Where does the rain come from ?”

  Ss: It comes from the : Then where does the cloud come from ? Ss: It comes from the : How can the water become vapour ? Ss:The sun shines and the water becomes : So the sun helps the water to become the ?Then what else helps the water to become the rain ? Step3: In –reading the Ss to read the story and find out “Who helps the water drop become the rain ?”

the Ss to read again and discuss the details in their group and fill in the blanks : Who Where What to do How to feel

  Water drop in the river feel very hot Water drop Water drop see Mr Wind go up

  Step4: Post –reading 1.教师让学生照着表格复述 2.最佳演员

  播放录音让学生模仿,之后让学生进行小组合作表演故事。Step 5Homework 让学生回去模仿,表演 教学反思:


【教学内容】 Let’s learn & Number and plant 【教学目标】

  1.能够听、说、读、写单词:seed, soil, sprout, plant。

  2.能够掌握句型“First ,we have the seed.”等简单描述植物种植的过程。【教学重难点】

  1.熟练掌握本单元的重点单词:seed, soil, sprout, plant。2.能够叙述种花的过程。【教学准备】




  4.常见的种子和图片 【教学过程】 Step 1:Preparation 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,并和学生一起跟着音乐拍手说唱英语童谣《Little water drop》。

  2.Free talk Step2: Presentation: 单词呈现

  1)教师拿出一些种子,问:What are they ? 教授seeds 2)T: Do you like flowers ? Ss: : Do you know how to plant flowers ? Ss: : First ,what do we need ? S1: We need ??

  T: Look ,教师拿出“soil”教授

  3)T: Now let’s put the seeds in the the sun shins the soil ,the soil dry we must water ? Ss: : The seeds drink the water and enjoy the are very happy ,they grow ,grow and they are sprouts.教师讲授单词“sprout”

  4).教师出示嫩芽长大后的植物的图片,并向学生提问导出新词“plant ” 听音正音


  以小组为单位,组长或同桌互相读一读,教一教,检查一下。Step3: Practice: 1.“火眼金睛”猜单词:将单词卡放入信封内,然后一个字母一个字母地从里面拉出来。因为本课有3个以3个“s ”开头的单词,所以比较有意思。


  T: There are some pictures and sentenes in your number and say.让生完成课本上的题。

  Step4: Production: 种瓜大王:出示LiMing的一篇种西瓜的经历记录,让生帮助他来找一找“种瓜不得瓜”的原因。谁找的多谁就是“种瓜大王” T: Here’s diary of Li Ming’ want to plant melon ,but he fails to do you help him to find out what is wrong ? April 5 I plant the melon seeds in the black soil and then water 13 There is on sprout in the the seeds look 15 I take out the bad seeds and put some new seeds in the soil put it in the 19 I wait for melon!But there is no sprout or plant at feel so : Progress 做基础训练50页 Step6: Homework 1.让学生熟练掌握本单元的重点单词。




【教学内容】let’s try & Let’s talk & Let’s play;Let’s check 【教学目标】

  1.能够听、说、读、写句子How do you do that?What should you do then? 并能在实际情景中灵活运用,力求做到语音准确,语调自然。

  2.了解英文中先后顺序的表达First ??,Then??,Next??。【教学重难点】

  1.熟练掌握本单元的重点句型:How do you do that?What should you do then? 并能在实际情景中灵活运用,2.能够叙述植物的生长过程。【教学准备】


  Step 1:Preparation ’s chant.课本68页

  提炼关键词: First /Then /Next 2.教师走下讲台到学生中间做Free Talk。可以以“How do you plant a flower seed?”为主题,引导学生可以按照Number and say,叙述种花的过程(可在此部分加入First /Then /Next)。

  Step2: Presentation: 1.教师把“Let’s try”的教学挂图呈现给学生,然后和学生一起看图、描述,再放录音,指导学生完成练习。录音内容如下:

  Girl: I’m going to plant a flower : How do you do that? Girl: First, put the seeds in the : What should you do then? Girl: Water can see the sprout in several 教师在学生完成“Let’s try”练习后,教师从中教学in several 教师说:“I am going to plant a flower on the I don’t know how to do you tell me? How do you do that? ”学生回答:“Put the seed in the soil.教师引导学生在前面加入序数词First, put the seed in the soil.”教师接着说:“What should you do then?”引导学生回答:“Water it.”

  4.教师对学生说:“Zhang peng is talking to his let’s see what they are talking about.”教师让学生听录音,并回答:How does Zhang Peng plant flower seeds ? Step3: Practice 1.听音正音 2.听音跟读 3.分角色表演

  4.教师把B“Let’s talk”部分的主要句型写在黑板上,学生闭上眼睛,教师擦掉其中一个词,学生睁开眼睛,说出擦掉的单词并把句子补充完整。

  Step4: Production: 1.出示课本Let’s play 内容,让生根据内容进行复述。Step5: Progress 1.教师放“Let’s check”部分的录音,让学生完成练习。录音原文如下:

(1)Man: Where does rain come from? Boy: It comes from the clouds.(2)Man: Where does the cloud come from? Boy: It comes from the vapour.(3)Girl: I’m going to plant a flower : How do you do that? Girl: First, put the seeds in the it under the sun you can see a flower :Homework 1.让学生熟练掌握本单元的重点单词。




【教学内容】 :Let’s read &Story time 【教学目标】

  1.通过阅读植物日记进一步熟悉掌握 植物生长过程的叙述 2.能够理解,认读B Let’s read 部分的句子。【教学重点】

  1.能够理解、认读B Let’s read 部分的句子。教师要启发学生结合句型替换关键词,在情景中应用新句型。




  Step 1:Preparation 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,然后教师把68页的chant呈现给学生,放录音,然后教师带领学生根据上面的句子拍手说唱。

  2.教师走下讲台到学生中间和学生以“What are you going to do this afternoon?”为主题进行Free : Pre-reading: 1.教师和学生进行加句子游戏。

  学生五人一组,每人依次说一句话,比如第一名学生说:“I put some soil in the pot.”第二名学生在此基础上再加一句话,比如:“I put some soil in the put a small seed in the soil.”依此类推。

  2.教师出示只画有种子的图画,问学生: T: What do we want? S: Pot and soil.教师出示75页课文第一幅图画: T: How do you do that? S: I put some seeds into a : What should you do then? S: I put in some : Then we should put it in the sun.教师依次出示课文第二、三、四幅画,用What do you see? How do you do that? 或者What should you do then? 来提问。

  3.在五幅图画和老师句型铺垫的基础上,请学生现场编写种植日记。Step3: In-reading: 1.教师请几位学生朗读一下种植日记,并说:“Liu Yun plants some flower writes a diary, ’s read ,what does she write ?”教师引导学生阅读四篇日记。学生分小组讨论日记内容。

again and answer A: What does Liu Yun do on ? B: What does she see on ? C: What does she see on ? D: What does her plant look like on May 15? E: Does it have any flowers? 3.听录音,模仿 4.大声朗读

  Step4: Post-reading: 1.教师请一名擅长绘画的学生到黑板前示范,其他学生读任意一篇日记,每人读一句。请站在黑板前的同学画出正确的配图。继续请三名学生依次到前面,其他学生读日记,把另外三幅插图的内容画在黑板上。然后反过来,教师任意指定一幅画,请学生说句子描述图画。2.教师把全班同学分成四个大组,分给每组一张大海报和16个打乱序的句子,16个句子都摘自Let’s read 部分的日记,在规定的时间内,请他们合作给句子排序并贴在海报上,配以漂亮的插图,最后在全班进行评比,看看哪个是最有默契的小组。

  3.教师把Story time的教学挂图呈现给学生,让学生看挂 图听录音,教师帮助学生理解故事内容。学生再听一遍录音,读故事里的句子,教师指导学生发音。最后教师请几组同学到 前面汇报演出。Step5: Progress 做基础训练54页最后一道题 Step6:Homework 让学生亲手种一种植物,并编写种植日记


  五上Unit Six In A Nature Park




  本单元重点学习用There be句式的一般疑问句询问并应答,要求学生在掌握四会单词和句子的基础上能对周围的自然景观进行简单的描述、询问并作答;能对给风景图片进行简单的讨论并看图写话等。学生在Unit5单元中已经初步学习了There be的用法,能简单描述事物的基本特征,本单元重点学习Is/Are there ???及它们的应答,在看图写话中学生容易混淆一般疑问句和There be 陈述句,老师在课堂上注意引导他们的不同之处。另外要注意区分Is there /Are there??? Yes, there is/ , there isn’t /there aren’t.和句型Is this /that??? Yes, it is./No, it isn’ these/those??? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.尤其注意提醒学生Are there+(名词复数),老师在课堂上多让学生进行口头描述,让学生习惯成自然。也可以提供简单的风景图片,让学生用所学知识进行描述或问答。

  本单元的重点是A、B部分的词汇和句型Is there /Are there ??? 及应答。本单元的词汇较多,老师应尽量用多种直观的教学方法呈现单词,让学生用旧知识学习新知识,快速掌握新内容。难点是Are there?..?句型的灵活运用及对生活中自然景观的描述。any和some 的用法。



  a.能够简单描述自然公园和村庄,如:There is a forest in the nature are many small houses in my 能够用一般疑问句询问自然公园及村庄的基本情况并作答,如:Is there a mountain? Yes, there there any rivers in your village? No, there aren’能够听懂、会唱歌曲“The Panda”.2.知识目标:

  a.能够听、说、读、写A、B部分Let’s learn 中的四会单词和Read and Write 中的四会单词和句子。




  C.能够听、说、认读Let’s learn 中的三会单词及Let’s talk中的句子。

  D.能够了解Story time、Good to know、Task time等部分的内容。




  单元教学课时安排: 六课时


  教学内容:Let’s start Let’s chant

’s learn

  Let’s find out


  教学目标:a.能听、说、读、写本课四会单词:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path..b.能够听、说、认读单词sky, cloud, mountain 以及句子:There is a forest in the 能够完成Let’s find out 中找图片区别的任务。d.学会吟唱Let’s chant.教学重点:掌握有关自然景物的单词: flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path, sky, cloud, mountain 以及句子:There is a forest in the nature.教学难点:mountain, sky, cloud的发音及“找找图片的区别”中要求学生用There be句式描述。




师生齐唱歌曲In a small 看看说说。让学生看着教室里的物品用There be 句型说句子,越多越好。


  1.教学sky、cloud a.老师在黑板上画一个

,问学生:What’s this? 学生能回答出:It’s the :Where can you see the sun? 老师可以帮助学生回答:We can see it in the sky.老师带读sky, 强调“sky”在该词中的发音,并列出操练。T:What can fly in the sky? S: ?can fly in the sky.(bird, balloon, plane, leaf, cloud)

  C.老师顺势在黑板上画简笔画,一朵似山似树的云cloud.(可有很多猜想形状)T: Does the cloud also fly in the sky ? The clouds float in the sky.带读。

  D.学生重复cloud.可以联系“ou”组合 cloud, mouse, house, mountain等。

  T: What does the cloud look like? S: The cloud looks like a ….(horse, baby, a mountain)

  2.教学mountain, forest, grass, flower

  I think the cloud looks like a try to spell the word mountain(老师可以用简笔画勾勒出山的形状)

there any famous mountains in China?? Mountain(the Yellow Mountain?)

’s in the Changbai mountain? There is /are??(让学生自己先说一说,如:animals, trees, 顺势引出forest, grass, flower.老师可以同时用简笔画在山上画出。老师带读,学生跟读并拼读

  D.操练。T:What can we do in the forest?(have a picnic, draw pictures,..)

  Can we smoke in the forest? We can’t ….in the : What can we do on the grass?(play football, fly the kite…)

  3.教学lake, river, path.在山峰的底部画两条曲线,让学生猜猜是什么。可以根据需要画上小船或行走的人,来引出river, path.有bath---path.让学生自己读出单词。然后在河流的上游画出圆形的湖泊,引出lake.有cake---lake.学生自己读出单词。

  4.操练。What can you do in the river/lake? 让学生自己说句子。最后引出a nature park

  5.听读正音。老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指单词。


  三、Practice 1.快看快读。老师随即抽取本课单词卡,学生快速站起读出单词。


’s chant.老师播放P68的歌谣,学生吟唱。

’s find out..老师引导学生观察课本的四幅图片,可以先逐一描述如: There is a?.in Picture1.然后让学生分组讨论,并用There be 句型说出他们的不同。


“ 争做临沭小导游”老师可以举出一些临沭著名的景点,如仓马山,红石湖,沭河故道等等,假如你是一名导游的话,该如何向游客们介绍呢?让学生先在小组内讨论,再比赛。参考句子: There is ?.There are?.五、Progress


  2.小结。复习本课所学知识,以P68 Let’s chant 结尾,让学生反复吟唱。




  教学内容:’s try Let’s talk Pair work C Pronunciation


  教学目标:a.能听、说、认读There is a ??in the there a ?.in the park? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.并能在实际情景中运用,通过给句型的询问处理实际问题。

  b.了解字母组合er, or, wh在词中发音。

  教学重难点:掌握句型Is there a ??in the?? Yes, there , there isn’t.与区分Is this/that?? Yes, it , it isn’t.教学准备:1.教师准备两张自然公园的图片、录音机、磁带、纸盒、单词卡。2.上节课的家庭作业图片。



  1.播放Let’s chant P68, 师生一齐吟唱。

  2.快看快拼。老师快速出示Let’s learn 中的单词卡,学生快速拼出,并说出汉语意思。




  T: What’s in the box? Can you guess? S: I think there is /are…..T:(接学生所说,转换句型): Is there ?? in the box?

  老师打开盒子揭示答案:Ss:There is a picture in the : Yes, there is.老师带读。可以换个东西再猜,引出No,there isn’趣味操练:考考老师 老师背对学生,某一学生当着其他学生的面往盒子放一件物品,教师根据声音,用所学句型猜物品名称。

  Ss: What’s in the box?

  T: Is there a … in the box?

  Ss: No, there isn’: Is there a ….in the box?

  Ss: Yes, there 小组间问答,替换操练。

there a ?? in Hongshihu Park?(或其他学生知道的景区)

  T:(老师呈现红石湖公园的图片)What’s in Hongshihu Park?

  Is there a lake in the park?

  Ss: Yes, there is.可以让学生互相提出其他的问题并作答

(也可以利用P71 Let’s try中的两幅图片,让学生观察后问答)

’s : Zhang Peng and John are talking about a nature there a river in the park? Listen and answer.播放录音,学生听录音。回答问题。





  见。T: What’s in my picture? Can you guess?

  Ss: Is there a ?..?

  T: No, there isn’t 等等。

’s and circle.四、Production


  a.老师呈现含有er,or,wh 字母组合的四组词,让学生自己拼读,然后总结读音规则。还可以让学生说一说其他符合这一规则的词





  听录音,读Let’s talk 对话,并做一个相似的对话写下来。


  教学内容: and write Group work C Story time

  我的设计 教学目标:a.能够听、说、读、写句型: Is there??.? Yes, there , there isn’能用Is there ?.? Yes, there , there isn’t.谈论假日照片。

  C.能够培养良好的阅读习惯,理解Story time的故事内容。

  教学重难点:学生掌握“Is there ??? Yes, there , there isn’t.” 句型,培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力是本课的难点。

  教学准备:1.教师准备自己的假日风景照,词卡 2.学生准备自己的假日照片。



the song “My Small Bedroom”.学生跟录音唱歌。

  ask two questions according to the song there a small closet in the bedroom?

there a picture in the bedroom?

  2.小小记忆王, 快速出示单词卡,让学生快速拼出。

a guessing is in the picture?(让几个学生背对图片,用Is there a ?..? 句型来提问,其他学生看图回答。)


  ask the students: Is this picture nice? Who are the children? They are on the holiday, you don’t go the school, you can play games, go to the park, or do the things what you “holiday picture” on the my own holiday picture and say: This is my holiday students read after me, then show their own holiday pictures.三、In-reading 1.General reading: Wu Yifan has a holiday picture, ’s in his picture? Read the dialogue on Page 72, and choose the answers below:


() there a forest in the park?

, there , there isn’t.() there a river in the park?

, there , there isn’t

() there a lake?

, there , there isn’t

() the park pretty?

, it , it isn’ reading: It’s a pretty ’s it like? Read the dialogue carefully and answer the following question:

  What’s the nature park like? There is …………

and write: Does Wu Yifan like the park? Read the dialogue and finish the sentences on Page and students read the dialogue loudly in pairs.四、Post-reading

some pairs to reads the dialogue some key words to retell the words: holiday picture, a nature park, a forest, a river, a lake, some students to retell the work: Talk about their holiday 创设情景,手机响,引出下面的对话:

  T: Hello!

  S: Hello, Miss ’s go to the park, ok?

  T: Is there a river in the park?

  S: Yes, there : Is there a lake in the park?

  S: No, there isn’: Ok, let’s go.给学生六个去玩的风景区,以小组为单位询问风景区里有什么,小组交流后再展示。



  Homework: 听本课录音,并熟读对话。

  2.你的假期都去哪里玩的呢? 用你刚学习的知识写写你的所见所闻吧,一定非常的有趣。


  教学内容:’s learn

  Pair work to know Let’s sing


  教学目标:a.能够听、说、读、写单词:bridge, house, road, building, 能够听,说、认读单词village, 能够运用句型:There are ? in??


  教学重点:掌握五个有关自然景物的单词:bridge, house, road, building , tree.句型“There are?.”

  教学难点:“There is ??”和“There are?..” 之间的区别及单词的复数运用与读音。




’s sing: My bedroom.(P66)

’s chant.(P68).二、Presentation

  1.教学bridge ,house, village tree

  a.老师出示一张有河,有桥,有房子等的图片(或用课件展示)T:Look!This is a picture of a nature park..What’s in the nature park?

  让学生用:There is /are?.来描述图片。当有学生说:There is a river in the park.老师可以接着问:What’s over the river? 让学生观察图片,并由fridge----bridge 可让学生自己读出单词,老师强调“dge”的发音。

  T:What bridge do you know in our country?(让学生多说几个有名的大桥)。

  T: Yes, you know so are many bridges in China.带读复数形式。

  b.接着指着图中的房子说:There is a house in the picture, too.学生对house 并不陌生。然后指出There are many houses in the picture.老师带读houses

  T: How many houses are there in the picture?(引导学生用“There are ?.houses in the picture.” 来回答)

:(指着图片或课件上有很多houses)Is this a nature?

  Ss: : It’s a village.带读单词。

  T: My mother’s home is in the your grandma’s/grandpa’s home in village?

  Ss: Yes, it : What’s in the village? You can use: There is…../ There are… in the : There are many houses(horses, hens, goats ,trees and so on)in the village.(学生如果说出tree,老师可顺势带读,学生已经会读)

  2.教学city, building, 老师可以出示有高楼,马路等繁华的城市图片。指着楼房问

  T:Is this a house?

  Ss: No, it isn’: Yes, it’s a building.带读单词。然后指着许多的高楼说:There are many??.让学生完成句子。

  T: There are so many it a village?

  Ss: No, it isn’: Yes, it’s a city now.带读city(在A Let’s talk 中以学过)

  T:Beijing is a big you know any other city?(让学生说有名的城市)

  T:What’s in the city?

  Ss: There are many buildings(shops, cars, parks)

  b.接上个环节,老师指着纵横的马路说:There are many roads in the city.带读单词,也可以由boat 引出。

  3.听读正音。老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指单词。




’s missing? 老师先出示几张单词,然后快速抽调一张,让学生说出被抽掉的单词,并说出汉语意思。

  3.让学生根据课本P73页的图片用“There are ?./There is??.”造句。




to know: 老师介绍熊猫的生活习性,教育学生要保护熊猫,保护自然环境。c.播放歌曲:The panda.学生跟唱。






  教学内容:’s talk Let’s try Let’s play

’s check


  教学目标:a.能听懂,会说句型:Are there ??.? 及答语“Yes, there , there aren’t.”并在实际情景中运用。

  b.能独立完成Let’s check部分的听力测试。

  教学重点: 听、说、认读句型“Are there any??? “Yes, there , there aren’t.”

  教学难点: 在“Are there any???”句型中运用any;在实际情景中灵活运用以上句型获取信息。

  教学准备: 1.教师准备录音机和录音带、本单元单词卡。2.教师准备相关的课件或乡村和城市的风景图。

  3.教师、学生各自准备硬币若干枚 4.学生准备一幅乡村图片



’s 快速记忆。老师快速出示2-4张单词卡,让学生快看几秒钟后,说出所看单词。

  3.互通有无。老师先问某一学生“Is there a shelf in your home?”学生回答后,再接着问其他的学生。


  1.教师出示 village 图片,注意在出示图片时动作要快,给学生很短的时间来观看,然后收起图片说:This is my ’s in it? Guess, please!教师提问:Are there any ? in the village? 板书并带读问句。此种快速看图的方法还可以训练学生观察能力。教师尽量就图画多问一些句子,让学生掌握答句的同时熟悉问句,如:“Are there any buildings in the village?”当学生回答没有时,引导他们说:No, there aren’t.从而引出肯定回答:Yes, there are.同时板书此内容。

  2.再让学生看一遍图片,根据记忆,向老师提问,教师要引导学生说:Are there any ? in your village?(可以用汉语解释some 和any 的用法)

’s talk.让学生带着两个问题听录音,找答案。

  are there any bridges in Zhang Peng’s village?

  are there any tall buildings in his village?





  教师拿出一枚硬币,与同学一起确定一面为正,一面为反,同时将学生分为正负两大组。提问:Are there any rivers in your village? 并转动硬币,硬币停止在正面,2组学生一起回答:Yes, there are.正组得分。反之,2组学生一起回答:No, there aren’t.负组得分。教师示范几次后,让学生拿出各自的硬币,同桌一组做游戏。

’s play----说你说我

  教师让学生拿出准备好的乡村图画。学生分小组进行活动(4—6人均可)。用句型Are there any? in your village? Is there a? in your village? 询问伙 伴的图画,由伙伴进行回答Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.四、Production

  模拟记者招待会。首先,老师帮助学生确定一个主题:我们县城要开发一个自然公园。请一些学生担任县长及其他官员,坐在台前,其他学生扮演记者对政府官员提问。例如:Are there any lakes in the nature park?

  Can we run on the grass?


’s try.完成 Let’s try 部分的Listen and circle活动 ’s check 教师播放录音,让学生勾出与录音内容相符的一项。





  教学内容:B 我的设计

  教学目标:a.能够听、说、读写本课句型:Are there any??.? Yes, there , there aren’t.及单词:mountain

  b.能用“There be?..”句型(陈述句、一般疑问句等形式)介绍山村并描述其特征。


  教学重点:掌握句型:Are there any?.in the?.? Yes, there , there aren’t.” 的书写及在实际情景中的灵活运用。单词fish的单复数同行。


  教学准备:1.教师准备景物单词卡和B Read and write部分的挂图 2.教师准备录音机和录音带





  2.拼单词 做拼单词的游戏:教师出示一张单词图片,如:house,请学生按座位顺序拼读,第一个学生说“h”,第二个学生说“o” 第三个学生说“u”,第四个学生说“s”,第五个学生说“e”。


  1.真真假假游戏。老师先做示范。老师先说问题:Are there any birds in









  The tree? 学生根据现实生活经验判断:Yes,there are.或:No,there aren’t.然后让学生自己提问并回答。

  2.老师在黑板上画一条河,问:Is there a river in the picture? 再加上一条鱼:Is there a fish in the river? 接着再画上几条问:Are there any fish in the river? 并板书,让学生观察划线部分,解释fish的



  1.教师出示本部分的挂图,左右两张图画分别标为图1和图2。教师说一个句子,学生迅速找到图画并报出图片号码。如:教师说:There are many small houses.学生说:Picture2.以下句子供教师参考:There are many rivers in the are no lakes in the are many bridges in the are many mountains near the 教师给3—4分钟的时间,学生自学本部分的内容。自学过程是学生对已学知识的回顾,是对所学知识的了解,是认读能力的培养,是自主学习的训练。学生在初步了解学习内容的基础上明确自己词句掌握情况,哪些认识、哪些不会。学生就不懂的地方提问,教师解答。训练学生自主思考,质疑的同时掌握知识内容。

  3.在学生自学之后,教师带领学生看挂图,说说挂图中的内容。如:There are many mountains in picture are many rivers in the 让学生再读课本对话,指导学生完成Finish the sentences 的练习。完成过程中教师注意指导填写内容和书写规范。



  1.评你评我 教师让学生4人一组相互评判,有两个人分别扮演Sarah和Chen Jie,另两个人作评委,评判个角色的扮演情况。之后,俩俩交换。

  2.复述Sarah’s village 和Chen Jie’s village.老师可以给出一些关键词。如:

  Sarah’s village:like, rivers and bridges , fish

  Chen Jie’s village: like, mountains, no tall buildings, pandas

work教师可以让学生用教材中的图片分小组讨论。如:Are there any tall buildings in your village? No, there aren’“我爱我家乡”小小演讲家。给学生几分钟准备时间,让学生用英语介绍自己的家乡,其他学生做评委,看谁说的流利,介绍的好。


  让学生做本单元B Read and write 部分的基础训练题。五下 Unit 5 My New Room




  单元教材分析:本单元重点学习家具陈设等物品的名称、表示位置的介词和There be 句型的用法。重点在于能使学生正确使用There be 句式的单、复数形式及其长句的表达法。

  本单元要求学生所要达到的知识目标是听、说、读、写Let’s learn和 Read and write中的四会单词和句子,听、说、认读单词air-conditioner和介词短语in front of。了解字母组合ir,ur,th的发音规律并读出例词。了解Story time, Good to know等部分的内容。

  能力目标是能使用本单元所学习的单词和句型描述房间的摆设,家具的名称、数量及位置等。听懂会唱歌曲“My Small Bedroom”。



  教学内容:Main scene Let’s start A Let’s learn Let’s play C Let’s sing


  教学目标:1.能够听、说、读、写本课主要单词:mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin。

  2.能够听、说、认读单词air-conditioner以及句型:Is this your?? I have ?并能在情景中运用。

  3.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My Small Bedroom”。

  教学重点:本课时重点是掌握Let’s learn部分的五个四会单词,并能进行简单问答、介绍。





’s do教师播放四年级上册B Let’s do 部分的录音,学生做出相应的动作。必要时,教师可展示bed,sofa等词卡给学生以提示。


  4.做“低声传句子”活动:教师低声把句子:“I have a study,a bathroom,a bedroom,a living room and a kitchen.”告诉每组的第一名学生,这名学生低声向后传句子,每组的最后一名学生大声说出句子,看哪组做得又快又正确。

  1.(a)课件展示房间图片,教师说:“Look!This is my new have a bed and a else do I have? ”,教师点击课件,图片中mirror闪烁,然后出现单词mirror,然后拿出一面镜子,示范朗读mirror,学生跟读。教师手拿着镜子分别问几名学生:“Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? ”如果学生的回答是肯定的,教师则再次重复一下“mirror”一词,说:“Oh,you have a mirror in your bedroom.”,如果学生的回答是否定的,教师可以说:“Oh, don’t have a mirror in your is the mirror? ”(Is the mirror in the bathroom?),学生回答。

(b)教学其它curtain,closet,end table,trash bin,air-conditioner五词,方法同mirror,通过模仿、问答等形式,学生初步掌握这五个词。


  2.听读正音。老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指单词。


’s chant.学生随着音乐边做边说:

  Closet,closet,open the closet!

  Curtain,curtain,close the curtain!

  Mirror,mirror,clean the mirror!

  Trash bin,trash bin,empty the trash bin!

  End table,end table,move the end table!

  air-conditioner,air-conditioner,make me cool!


  3.通过课件出示对话“Is this your bedroom? Yes,it and look at my new curtains.”,学生进行模仿后,出示图片(先可以仍是bedroom,把东西做替换,然后可以是其它房间,其它的东西),让学生同桌表演对话,或是同桌自由练习,但以同桌表演为主。例如:“Is this your living room? Yes,it and look at my new sofa.”。

  4.教师在黑板上示范书写单词:mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin,让学生在词卡反面或练习本上拼写、记忆单词。

’s play:学生分组做句型接龙。如:学生A说:“In my room I have a trash bin.”学生B在学生A的句子基础上加上一个词,如:“In my room I have a trash bin and a mirror.”依次类推。教师鼓励学生充分利用本课以外的词汇。


  a:Is this your bedroom?

  b:Yes, it have a ?,a? and a? in my bedroom”。

  3.学唱Let’s sing歌曲:教师放“My Small Bedroom”的录音,让学生跟唱。鼓励学生对歌曲中的歌词进行替换,可在班内开一个竞赛,并奖励获胜者。






  教学内容:A Let’s try Let’s talk Talk and draw C Good to know

  教学目标: 1.能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。

  2.能够听、说、认读句型There is a?/There are?并能在情景中正确运用。

  3.了解Good to know中几种住宅的英语名称及差异。

  教学重点:本课重点句型为:There is?和There are?

  教学难点:难点句型为:I have my own room ’s it like?



’s chant P56


  3.做Let’s try练习,学生打开学生用书第59页教师先引导学生观察两幅图画的区别,然后播放录音,学生听音,选择。

  听后引导学生运用句型:“I can see a ? in picture 1/2.”。让学生说说两幅图画的不同之处。

  1.把一个房间的图画张贴到黑板上,然后在房间里画上一个小人,然后介绍说:“Look,this is have my own room now.”,强调“my own room”的发音,让学生跟说。教师继续出示自己的书本等物品,并介绍说:“my own book/pen?”,用“show me your own book/ pen..”的指令引导学生出示他们的物品并表达出:“my own ? ”,最后让学生拿出纸,画上一个房间,对周围的同学说:“Look!I have my own room now.”

  2.将mirror的图片贴到房间里,并向学生介绍说:“In my room there is a mirror.”,让学生跟说。教师再重复说:“In my room there is a new mirror.”,再让学生跟说。然后是air-conditioner,与mirror相同,再连起来说:“In my room there is a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.”,再是导出closet,先说:“In my room there is a closet.”,然后说:“In my room there is a big closet.”,最后说:“There is a big closet,a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.”。教师让学生把这几样东西画在房间里,同桌之间进行相互练习说一说。出示blue curtains的图片,教师介绍说:“There are blue curtains.”,并通过教师动作手势让学生明确看到窗帘的两个部分,与there is 句型进行比较,教师可以多给学生一些比较,例如:There is a are 3 desks.等等。总之,让学生明白there is 和there are句型的不同,然后让学生把blue curtains贴上去,让学生根据自己的画和贴把三个句子连起来说,教师可给学生一些鼓励。

  2.在学生说说自己画的房间时,教师可以穿插问:“Do you have your own room? What’s it like?”让学生用There is ?和There are?来回答房间内的布置。



  教师出示图片问“What's your room/ it like?”学生用“There is?和There are?”来回答,通过变换图片中物体的个数让学生训练选择使用there is 或是there be。




  1.做“Talk and draw”活动:

  学生两人一组,学生A询问“What’s your room like?” 学生B使用句型“There is?和There are?”进行描述一个想象的房间或自己的房间,A根据听到的内容在图画上画出相应的物品,然后交换角色练习。

  2.教师介绍Good to know部分的知识。



熟读对话内容,在情景中练习使用句型There is a?/There are?



  教学内容:A Read and write Let’s play C Pronunciation 教学目标:1.能够听、说、读、写句子:

  There are two bedrooms,a kitchen,a bathroom and a living is a mirror,a bed and a big 读懂短文内容,并能根据课文内容完成课后练习。



  教学重点:本课的教学重点是使学生熟练掌握There be句型的简单表达法,掌握四会句子的正确书写。

  教学难点:难点在于帮助学生区分使用There is和There are的表达法。



talk.教师询问“What’s your room like?”引导学生复习There is 和There are的表达法。

  2.Let’s sing P66教师播放唱歌部分录音,学生拍手跟唱。

  1.做“鲨鱼吃小人”游戏。复习四会单词mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin等的拼写。具体操作如下:画出一个张着大嘴的鲨鱼,上面画一个小人,在两者之间画上和单词字母个数相同的线段,小组之间进行比赛,每错一个字母擦掉一条较远的线段,小人先掉下去的一组输掉比赛。

  2.出示一张end table,然后出示两张end table,教师介绍说:“There is an end table./There are two end tables.”,重在区分there is 和there are,让学生跟说,然后换出示其它的图片做替换练习。

  3.教师带上rabbit的头饰,出示rabbit家的图片,先是一个全景,教师介绍:“We are have a new ’s on the third floor.”“Do you want to have a look at our new flat? Let’s go!”引导学生进行阅读。



  The baby rabbit’s room is small and nice, yes or no?



  How many rooms are there in rabbits’ flat?

  What are they?

② What’s the baby rabbit’s own room like?

and write


to the tape




’s play:学生同桌或四个小组,轮流掷骰子(橡皮)看图说话。如:In my room there is an air-conditioner,a telephone,a?比一比谁说的句子最长。

  2.做“Bingo”游戏:让学生任选九张词卡排列好,教师给出提示,如:There is a ?学生按所给提示翻卡。翻过一行三张卡(横、竖、斜)的学生,大声喊:“Bingo”。如果他能读出两张以上卡片上的单词就能得到奖励。



  Ir skirt shirt dirty girl bird first third

  Ur purple nurse curl surf burn turn fur hurt

  Th voiced: these those them there this that clothes

  Unwoiced: three thin Thursday cloth breath bath thank think thick youth month third


