关于英语作文5篇 写英语作文

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关于英语作文5篇 写英语作文


  My day began on a decidedly sour(发酵的,刺耳的) note when I saw my six-year-old wrestling with a limb of my azalea(杜鹃花) bush. By the time I got outside, he'd broken it. "Can I take this to school today?" he asked. With a wave of my hand, I sent him off. I turned my back so he wouldn't see the tears gathering in my eyes. I loved that azalea bush. I touched the broken limb as if to say silently, "I'm sorry."

  I wished I could have said that to my husband earlier, but I'd been angry. The washing machine had leaked on my brand-new linoleum. If he'd just taken the time to fix it the night before when I asked him instead of playing checkers with Jonathan. What are his priorities anyway? I wondered. I was still mopping up the mess when Jonathan walked into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast, Mom?" I opened the empty refrigerator. "Not cereal," I said, watching the sides of his mouth drop. "How about toast and jelly?" I smeared the toast with jelly and set it in front of him. Why was I so angry? I tossed my husband's dishes into the sudsy(起泡沫的) water.

  It was days like this that made me want to quit. I just wanted to drive up to the mountains, hide in a cave, and never come out.

  Somehow I managed to lug the wet clothes to the laundromat. I spent most of the day washing and drying clothes and thinking how love had disappeared from my life. Staring at the graffiti(涂鸦) on the walls, I felt as wrung-out as the clothes left in the washers.

  As I finished hanging up the last of my husband's shirts, I looked at the clock. 2:30. I was late. Jonathan's class let out at 2:15. I dumped the clothes in the back seat and hurriedly drove to the school.

  I was out of breath by the time I knocked on the teacher's door and peered through the glass. With one finger, she motioned for me to wait. She said something to Jonathan and handed him and two other children crayons and a sheet of paper.

  What now? I thought, as she rustled through the door and took me aside. "I want to talk to you about Jonathan," she said.

  I prepared myself for the worst. Nothing would have surprised me. "Did you know Jonathan brought flowers to school today?" she asked. I nodded, thinking about my favorite bush and trying to hide the hurt in my eyes. I glanced at my son busily coloring a picture. His wavy hair was too long and flopped just beneath his brow. He brushed it away with the back of his hand. His eyes burst with blue as he admired his handiwork(手工制品). "Let me tell you about yesterday," the teacher insisted. "See that little girl?" I watched the bright-eyed child laugh and point to a colorful picture taped to the wall. I nodded.

  "Well, yesterday she was almost hysterical. Her mother and father are going through a nasty divorce. She told me she didn't want to live, she wished she could die. I watched that little girl bury her face in her hands and say loud enough for the class to hear, 'Nobody loves me.' I did all I could to console her, but it only seemed to make matters worse." "I thought you wanted to talk to me about Jonathan," I said.

  "I do," she said, touching the sleeve of my blouse. "Today your son walked straight over to that child. I watched him hand her some pretty pink flowers and whisper, 'I love you.'"

  I felt my heart swell with pride for what my son had done. I smiled at the teacher. "Thank you," I said, reaching for Jonathan's hand, "you've made my day."

  Later that evening, I began pulling weeds from around my lopsided azalea bush. As my mind wandered back to the love Jonathan showed the little girl, a biblical verse came to me: "...these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." While my son had put love into practice, I had only felt anger.

  I heard the familiar squeak of my husband's brakes as he pulled into the drive. I snapped a small limb bristling with hot pink azaleas off the bush. I felt the seed of love that God planted in my family beginning to bloom once again in me. My husband's eyes widened in surprise as I handed him the flowers. "I love you," I said.



  1、以MY Future plan为题目,100字左右

  2、我决定大学毕业后当一 名中学教师,这是我孩提时代的梦想

  3、我很喜欢教师在个职业,与中学生在一 起可以使自己永保青春



  我未来的打算(My future plan)

  I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision.


  Firstly, when I was a little/boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true.


  And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence.


  The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy? I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.



  My Dream

  My dream is t be a faus inventr and everthing that I dreat can be invented.

  Especiall all the traffic tls f idl ——Haa Miazai's fantas vie can be ved t realit. These including: the fling battleship, the sail bat, fling ship, hang glider, gunbats can all fl in the air; Still the ver large bug called ing-wr is even bigger than the Pentagn.

  I still want t invent a thining cnnectr, b the fling bat t the Laputa ——the giant castle flwn in the air, having a gd swi in the vie.

  I d believe that as lng as having a drea there will have a rad; As lng as having sweat, there will be a success.

  Than u!








  andrew carnegie, known as the king of steel, built the steel industry in the united states, and , in the process, became one of the wealthiest men in america. his success resulted in part from his ability to sell the product and in part from his policy of epanding during periods of economic decline, when most of his competitors were reducing their investments. carnegie believed that individuals should progress through hard work, but he also felt strongly that the wealthy should use their fortunes for the benefit of society. he opposed charity, preferring instead to provide educational opportunities that would allow others to help themselves. "he who dies rich, dies disgraced," he often said. among his more noteworthy contributions to society are those that bear his name, including the carnegie institute of pittsburgh, which has a library, a museum of fine arts, and a museum of national history. he also founded a school of technology that is now part of carnegie-mellon university. other philanthrophic gifts are the carnegie endowment for international peace to promote understanding between nations, the carnegie institute of washington to fund scientific research, and carnegie hall to provide a center for the arts. few americans have been left untouched by andrew carnegie's generosity. his contributions of more than five million dollars established 2,500 libraries in small communities throughout the country and formed the nucleus of the public library system that we all enjoy today.


  Mobile telephones are becoming more and more popular. Even the students on campus begin to use mobile telephone. M obile telephone, on the one hand, is good to the students. For one thing , it enables them to keep in touch with their friends and family more conveniently and quickly. For another, it can make the students fashionable and proud.

  On the other hand, mobile telephone has a negative effect on the students. First, it will cost them more money than before. Second. it will distract them from their study. Third, it will sometimes become a nuisance especially when it rings in class or in the library.

  In my opinion. it is not good for the students on campus to use mobile telephone. Since the students main purpose on campus is to study, they should pay much attention to their study. If they want to use mobile telephone, they can use it after graduation.