
时间:2024-04-20 19:58:15 辞职报告



  回顾在公司的这段时光,我深知 behind the scenes of the company's support and cultivation, and my colleagues' assistance. I have been with the company for more than a year, and during this period, both my work practice and professional skills training have given me a lot of benefits and have greatly improved my abilities in various aspects. I would like to express my gratitude to the company's leadership for the skill training of its employees. My work at the company has been fulfilling and enjoyable, and I am grateful for the support and help of my colleagues.

  In particular, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Du for his guidance and cultivation in my work. I am aware of my shortcomings in my work, and I hope that Mr. Du can forgive me. I hope that I can leave the company after submitting this resignation letter within 2-4 weeks, so that the company can have enough time to find a suitable candidate to fill the position. During my remaining time at the company, I will definitely do my best to complete my work duties.

  In conclusion, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the company and its leaders for the opportunities and experiences provided to me during my time here. I wish the company continued success and prosperity, and I hope that my departure will not cause any inconvenience. Please批准我的辞职申请,并衷心感谢您的理解与支持。

